Poetry Spotlight: Differences in Pink

Differences in Pink

All little girls’ favorite color is pink,

no room for dispute, or discussion of


Little space for fillers of compassion or intensity

nothing worth stuffing my canvas with

There is no color I would rather live in,

or blush I would like to put on my easel.

Let me paint with my passion.

But children are short-sighted,

I would be unhappy living in pink now

because my heart is constantly blue,

my heart is missing its last puzzle piece

and my pliable soul has grown brighter than the baby blue

it once was, it is now red with passion and ardor.

Blue has turned to purple.

I imagine that I may be able to love pink again,


when it is no longer all frills and femininity

when it is intimately itself,

only when my heart is dim

will the color pink will be different to me,

then I will love

again. When I am no longer in this consuming debate

within myself

over how to love

a color that is so intent on being unknowable,

then may I go back

to that childlike feeling of loving something so much that

I just wanted to burst?

like a supernova becoming a star

of passion and intensity.

And I will face the choice

to love a color that is something I’ve been forced to embrace,

or to resist and make my own


Pink. <3


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